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Oscar Блог

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Записи в этом блоге

So Many Days And Nights To Think About U

At last I’ve found u – happy day But couldn’t any longer stay ‘Cause u were not u seemed to be My hero, man, my sweet, my dream. And felt like boat in a storm My helpless oars just hung on And saw no beacon in the dark No flash, no stars, no moon, no spark I was alone carried away By cruel strong and heavy waves And solitude turned up to be The only friend beside me. ***** Like sunny lovely blooming garden I grew and all grew up with me But feeling captured me so su




Сидя у компа в 2 ночи у своей горячо любимой подруги, я вдруг подумала, а почему бы не поговорить о дружбе? Что понимаем мы под дружбой? Мы говорим - дружим, подразумеваем.... Итак, что же мы подразумеваем??? Основу дружбы, на мой взгляд, составляет бескорыстие. На нее по нарастающей - внимание, отзывчивость, поддержка, понимание, ответственность, критика. Почему же реально так трудно дружить? Быть может мы боимся или не хотим обременять себя, как нам кажется, лишним грузом чужих проблем, чужого




I wonder for how long it is going to continue, why am I so foolish, so unlucky. I don’t understand actually what the hell is going on? Feel like a prize idiot, a teen, whose expectations are always failed to come true. That’s annoying, not fair as for me. Well, talking about justice, everyone thinks it is when they get what they want. When will I get what I want, what I deserve, what I ought to have. Maybe now I have all this but I just can’t realize that this is all I deserve and the biggest




Sometimes I think what has happened to us? Is it possible to become strangers after years of such hand in hand. And is it worth of regret? Maybe all this emotional experience is nothing but our fantasy. Maybe we like to feel ourselves unhappy. So we build castles in the sky. We don't know for sure and we don't want to know what it is. Is it something real or something we would like to have, something we are lack in, something we would like to imagine cause we miss it in real life? And I ask myse



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