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"...During this brief three year period (1904-1906), there were two Armenian victims assassinated by Armenian terrorists for every one non-Armenian. This hitherto almost totally neglected fact deserves our attention, for it was not a phenomenon limited to 1904-1906, but rather one which still exists to- Its purpose, then as now, was nothing more or less than intimidation. The conscious attempt to frighten the overwhelming majority of peaceful Armenians into silence as regards the activities of the terrorists."

Heath W. Lowry, Professor, “Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Armenian Terrorism: Threads of Continuity,” 1984; referring to a 1983 source by Dr. Gerard Libaridian

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"It is absolutely clear that the Armenians of Van started the insurrection behind the Ottoman lines already in February 1915, waiting for the Russian offensive. Before the Russians had reached Van they had already extinguished the whole Muslim (Turks and Kurds alike) population of Van with all the neighboring villages. Meanwhile there is also archeological evidence of these mass-murders, as countless mass-graves with Muslim victims have been spotted, excavated and identified...Thanks God, the triumph of the Armenians was documented by themselves. Photographs and reports were sent to the Entente-magazines."

Erich Feigl, professor, author, "The Myth of Terror."


"Armenian-origin intellectuals and journalists have become viciously intolerant of non-Armenian-origin colleagues who do not accept their biases and who venture to question Armenian statistics or try to examine ... historical records according to recognized standards of objectivity and respect for methodology."

Paul Henze, “The Roots of Armenian Violence: How Far Back Do They Extend?,"1984


"In an Asian city, during the 1896 massacres, the French Consul, who had sheltered as many Armenians as possible at the Consulate under the French standard, came up to his terrace to see what was going on in the neighborhood, when two bullets came from behind him, whistling in his ears; turning, he realized in a flash, an Armenian who had been aiming at him from a window of a neighboring house. Apprehended and questioned, the sly aggressor answered: "I did that so that the Turks would be accused, and with the hope that after the murder of the Consul, the French would rise against them."

Pierre Loti, Les Massacres d'Arménie (The Massacres of Armenia)

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“As an Armenian, I never condone terrorism, but there must be a reason behind this. Maybe the terrorism will work. It worked for the Jews. They have Israel.“

Kevork Donabedian, the editor of The Armenian Weekly, an ethnic newspaper published in the United States, as quoted in the November 18, 1980 issue of The Christian Science Monitor. (Yet another Armenian dishonorably playing both sides of the fence.)

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"The Turk has been and is the most misrepresented person in the world. I know some of the falsehoods which have been and are being circulated in America. They amaze me."

Rear Admiral Colby M. Chester, "Turkey Reinterpreted," The New York Times Current History, 1922


"As a matter of cold, inСПОРable fact, there is more religious freedom in Turkey than in any other country in the world, more than has ever been recorded in history. "

Arthur Tremaine Chester, "Angora and the Turks," The New York Times Current History, Feb.1923


"I could see that [the Armenians'] well-known disloyalty to the Ottoman Government and the fact that the territory which they inhabited was within the zone of military operations constituted grounds more or less justifiable for compelling them to depart their homes."

Robert Lansing, United States Secretary of State, November 1916

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"To punish all persons guilty of Armenian atrocities would necessitate wholesale execution of Turks and I therefore suggest punishment should rather take the form of, nationally, dismemberment of the late Turkish Empire and, individually, in trial of high officials such as those on my lists whose fate will serve as an example."

British Deputy High Commissioner Webb, in an April 3, 1919 cipher telegram to the Peace Conference in Paris. Holdwater: How convenient. The Allies (that is, self-seeking imperialist powers) were planning the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire well before World War I, and during wartime they were colluding through secret treaties; making it seem like there was a genocide would certainly justify their land-grab scheme. Fortunately, the British had the honor to not find the high officials guilty at the Malta Tribunal (for lack of evidence) and their land grab scheme (for Asia Minor, anyway) was foiled by the Turks themselves.

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"...We know the whole history of these massacres to some extent. It is only towards the Armenians that the Turk is said to be so intolerant; there are other parts of the world where he [the Turk] deals with Christian people, and where he deals with the Jewish community... Moreover, the Armenians themselves lived under the Turkish rule for centuries and never complained. Therefore, we earnestly appeal to you, to the whole Christian world of Europe and America, that if the Turk is to be punished on the assumption that he is a tyrant, and that his rule is a blasting tyranny then the evidence should be of such character that it should be absolutely above suspicion."

Muhammad Ali, leading a delegation of Indian Muslims at the Peace Conference, March 1919, to Lloyd George. While the British were determined to wipe the defeated Ottoman Empire off the surface of the earth, such initiatives slowly compelled the British to uphold the principles of law and justice, when they embarked on the Malta Tribunal, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt there was no Armenian "Genocide."

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“Few Americans who mourn, and justly, the miseries of the Armenians, are aware that till the rise of nationalistic ambitions, beginning with the 'seventies, the Armenians were the favored portion of the population of Turkey, or that in the Great War, they traitorously turned Turkish cities over to the Russian invader; that they boasted of having raised an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men to fight a civil war, and that they burned at least a hundred Turkish villages and exterminated their population.”

“...It is at least time that Americans ceased to be deceived by propaganda…”

John Dewey, American professor/intellectual behind library systems' "Dewey Decimal System," The Turkish Tragedy, The New Republic, November 12, 1928


(The Turks whose honor and the dignity you have been pummeling and mauling lo these many years, were) "...far better men and far abler rulers than the wretched tyrants whom they suppressed....the Turks were in advance, not of their Christian subjects alone, but of the greater part of Christian Europe."”

Edson L. Clark (1827-1913), British anthropologist and historian, from his "Nations of the World" Series,1900, N.Y. (pp. 84,87.)


"The meaning of genocide is the planned destruction of a religious and ethnic group, as far as it is known to me, there is no evidence for that in the case of the Armenians. The deniers of Holocaust have a purpose: to prolong Nazism and to return to Nazi legislation. Nobody wants the 'Young Turks' back, and nobody wants to have back the Ottoman Law..."

Bernard Lewis, Professor, "There Was No Genocide," an interview by Dalia Karpel, Ha'aretz daily, Jerusalem, January 23, 1998

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