Zarina_08 Опубликовано: 22 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 22 декабря, 2007 Под небом голубым есть гоpод золотой. С пpозpачными воpотами и яpкою звездой. А в гоpоде том - сад, все тpавы, да цветы Гуляют там животные невиданной кpасы. Одно, как желтый огнегpивый лев, Дpугое - вол исполненный очей. С ними золотой оpел небесный Чей так светел взоp незабываемый. А в небе голубом гоpит одна звезда. Она твоя, о, ангел мой, она твоя всегда. Кто любит тот любим, кто светел тот и свят Пускай ведет звезде тебя доpогой в дивный сад. Тебя там встpетит огнегpивый лев И синий вол, исполненный очей. С ними золотой оpел небесный Чей так светел взоp незабываемый Цитата Любовь к Родине существует независимо от преходящих власти, морали, мировоззрений, идеологии... "Когда женщина, которой есть что сказать, молчит – тишина оглушает." (с) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
<T@INSTVENNAYA> Опубликовано: 23 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 23 декабря, 2007 Pink Floyd-Another brick in the wall We don't need no education We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey teacher leave them kids alone All in all it's just another brick in the wall All in all you're just another brick in the wall We don't need no education We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey teacher leave us kids alone All in all you're just another brick in the wall All in all you're just another brick in the wall Цитата Человек все может! Вот это и настораживает... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
<T@INSTVENNAYA> Опубликовано: 23 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 23 декабря, 2007 Queen-Show must go on Empty spaces - what are we living for? Abandoned places - I guess we know the score.. On and on! Does anybody know what we are looking for? Another hero - another mindless crime. Behind the curtain, in the pantomime. Hold the line! Does anybody want to take it anymore? The Show must go on! The Show must go on! Inside my heart is breaking, My make-up may be flaking, But my smile, still, stays on! Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance. Another heartache - another failed romance. On and on! Does anybody know what we are living for? I guess i'm learning I must be warmer now.. I'll soon be turning round the corner now. Outside the dawn is breaking, But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free! The Show must go on! The Show must go on! Yeah! Ooh! Inside my heart is breaking! My make-up may be flaking! But my smile, still, stays on! Yeah! oh oh oh My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, Fairy tales of yesterday, will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends! The Show must go on! Yeah! The Show must go on! I'll face it with a grin! I'm never giving in! On with the show! I'll top the bill! I'll overkill! I have to find the will to carry on! On with the, On with the show! The Show must go on. Цитата Человек все может! Вот это и настораживает... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
_Miledi_ Опубликовано: 24 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 24 декабря, 2007 Könlümün sevgii mehbubi menim Vetenimdir, Vetenimdir, Vetenim! Veteni sevmeyen insan olmaz, Olsada o shexsde vicdan olmaz! Sən mənim köksümdə çarpan ürəksən Mən sənin köksündə kiçik bir zərrə. Mənə qanad verən odu-dirəksən... Adına-gözünə Vətən deyirəm... Çölünə-düzünə Vətən deyirəm... Цитата Min Shukr, Sene, Ilahi! Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
hasan666 Опубликовано: 24 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 24 декабря, 2007 Пенджереме гонду чичек О чичек сендин, динленди аг лепелер Есен кулек, джощан кулек, гачан кулек сендин. Улдузларын гёзлерийле Гёрдум сени гедже яры. Далгаларын сёзлери иле, Динди конул арзулары. Айлар кечер, ил доланар Йене гелбим сени анар............... Цитата Меня постоянно преследуют умные мысли, но я быстрее... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Zarina_08 Опубликовано: 28 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 28 декабря, 2007 Ночь и тишина, данная на век, Дождь, а может быть падает снег, Все равно, - бесконечно надеждой согрет, Я вдали вижу город, которого нет... Где легко найти страннику приют, Где, наверняка, помнят и ждут, День за днем, то теряя, то путая след, Я иду в этот город, которого нет... Там для меня горит очаг, Как вечный знак забытых истин, Мне до него - последний шаг; И этот шаг длиннее жизни... Кто ответит мне что судьбой дано Пусть об этом знать не суждено Может быть за порогом растраченных лет Я найду этот город, которого нет... Цитата Любовь к Родине существует независимо от преходящих власти, морали, мировоззрений, идеологии... "Когда женщина, которой есть что сказать, молчит – тишина оглушает." (с) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Zarina_08 Опубликовано: 29 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 29 декабря, 2007 Слышала эту песню раньше, но после того как знакомый форумчанин спел её в караоке - песня понравилась больше ) У ночного огня под огромной луной Темный лес укрывал нас зеленой листвой Я тебя целовал у ночного огня Я тебе подарил половинку себя Свет далекой звезды, песни птиц до утра Ты смотрела в глаза мои, шептала слова Ты не верила мне, но любила меня Я оставил с тобой половинку себя То, что было - забыть, то, что было - прошло Ты махала мне вслед бирюзовым платком Я тебя целовал у ночного огня Ты оставила мне половинку меня Цитата Любовь к Родине существует независимо от преходящих власти, морали, мировоззрений, идеологии... "Когда женщина, которой есть что сказать, молчит – тишина оглушает." (с) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Zarina_08 Опубликовано: 31 декабря, 2007 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 31 декабря, 2007 Напрасные слова Плесните колдовства в хрустальный мрак бокала. В расплавленных свечах мерцают зеркала. Напрасные слова я выдохну устало. Уже погас очаг. Я новый не зажгла. Напрасные слова. Виньетка ложной сути. Напрасные слова не трудно говорю. Напрасные слова. Уж вы не обессудьте. Напрасные слова. Я скоро догорю. У нашего крыльца не вздрогнет колокольчик. Не спутает следов мой торопливый шаг. Вы первый миг конца понять мне не позвольте, Судьбу напрасных слов не торопясь решать. Придумайте сюжет о нежности и лете, Где смятая трава и пламя васильков. Рассыпанным драже закатятся в столетья Напрасные слова, напрасная любовь. Напрасные слова. Виньетка ложной сути. Напрасные слова не трудно говорю. Напрасные слова. Уж вы не обессудьте. Напрасные слова. Я скоро догорю. Напрасные слова Цитата Любовь к Родине существует независимо от преходящих власти, морали, мировоззрений, идеологии... "Когда женщина, которой есть что сказать, молчит – тишина оглушает." (с) Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
PUSSYCAT_SHE Опубликовано: 1 января, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 января, 2008 Sunrise Avenue - Fairytale Gone BadThis is the end you know Lady, the plans we had went all wrong We ain't nothing but fight and shout and tears We got to a point I can't stand I've had it to the limit; I can't be your man I ain't more than a minute away from walking We can't cry the pain away We can't find a need to stay I slowly realized there's nothing on our side Out of my life, Out of my mind Out of the tears that we can't deny We need to swallow all our pride And leave this mess behind Out of my head, Out of my bed Out of the dreams we had, they're bad Tell them it's me who made you sad Tell them the fairytale gone bad Another night and I bleed They all make mistakes and so did we But we did something we can never turn back right Find a new one to fool Leave and don't look back. I won't follow We have nothing left. It's the end of our time We can't cry the pain away We can't find a need to stay There's no more rabbits in my hat to make things right Out of my life, Out of my mind Out of the tears we can't deny We need to swallow all our pride And leave *THIS mess behind Out of my head, Out of my bed Out of the dreams we had, they're bad Tell them it's me who made you sad Tell them the fairytale gone bad Молодец!Обожаю эту песню!)))Хит 2007 года!))) Цитата "РОДИНА В НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ГРАНИЦАХ НЕДЕЛИМА"(МУСТАФА КЕМАЛЬ АТАТЮРК). Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Темна_Я Опубликовано: 24 февраля, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 24 февраля, 2008 Fleur. Никогда. Расскажи мне о смерти, мой маленький принц, или будем молчать всю ночь до утра… Слушая проколотых бабочек крик, глядя с тоской мертвым птицам в глаза… Мы не будем здесь вместе никогда… Ты хочешь отдать все, но этого – мало… Тебе так хочется слез, а их не осталось… Тихий шелест колосьев, звездная даль… Фиолетовый бархат в блестках дождя… Это самое жестокое слово – НИКОГДА Это – то, что никто не хочет принять… Спрячь меня навеки, темная вода… припев Расскажи мне о смерти, мой маленький принц, или будем молчать всю ночь до утра… Слушая проколотых бабочек крик, глядя с тоской мертвым птицам в глаза… Мы не будем здесь вместе никогда… Это самое жестокое слово… Цитата Не ищу легких путей... Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Princess Of Egypt I'm coming home and I don't want to hear another word about this It's hard to fight well and come alone back from the abyss No more of them lunatic thoughts time's up for the Don Quixote All I ever wanted was to give this my best shot The sad part is that you come from a different kind of life I'm up and leaving now I'm living by the knife I've lost my faith in human kind and it's time for a rest Even though I did my best I didn't pass your test You are the princess of Egypt and I'm just a man I want to be with you, I feel astray I need a miracle how to make you understand I'd make you happy but you're far away You don't know what you're missing What it is you leave behind My good intentions for you makes me one of a kind You'll get by in your fortress you will hide behind that wall But one day you will find out you almost had it all The sad part is that you come from a different kind of life I'm up and leaving now I'm living by the knife I've lost my faith in human kind and it's time for a rest Even though I did my best I didn't pass your test You are the princess of Egypt and I'm just a man I want to be with you, I feel astray I need a miracle how to make you understand I'd make you happy but you're far away Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Set The World On Fire So I am what I am what I feel can not be wrong This is the way that I feel and I'm coming on strong We're talking hundreds and thousands with potentiel to stay but only one with quality can turn the loneliness away, come follow me One is a wonder one is a wonder but only one is a wonder one is a wonder Set the world on fire I'll do anything to get what I want aim even higher I'll do anything to be the one So I'm cruising round the continent to see what I can find a lot of fangs, but I refuse to be a slave to the ground We're talking gadda-da-vida, honey now the deed is done and if you're in you've got to show me that you really are the one come follow me One is a wonder one is a wonder but only one is a wonder one is a wonder ( I'm gonna ) Set the world on fire I'll do anything to get what I want ( I'm gonna ) aim even higher I'll do anything to be the one Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - This Is The Way this, this is the way this is the way i wanna live I'm going through changes this is the way i wanna live from this day one no-one going tell you what i should do and what i should not that ain't the way, the way that they tell you why the've gone away so leave the books one the shelf dont let the spoiling come this far commin out like a full creation this is the shape of things to come this, this is the way this is the way i want to live I'm going through changes (commin' up, commin'up) this is the way i want to live this, this is the way this is the way i want to live I am going through changes (commin' up, commin up) this is the way i want to live so if your feeling are going down and out dont lose the faith while we weigh the doubt you must take your status learn what is about if nothing works than shout your no nobody homosapian your the original king of the hill again commin' out like a full creation this is the shape of things to come this, this is the way this is the way i want to live i am going through changes this is the way i want to live so if you feelings are down and out don't loose the faith while we weigh the doubt you must take your status, what it is about if nothing works than shout your no nobody homosapian, your the original king of the hill again commin' up like a full creation, this is the shape of things to come Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Do You Always I wake to the sound of a far away thunder wondering why this secret in your heart why don't you let me share your thoughts something strange is going on maybe something you've gone through so often sadness in your eyes I don't know what to do, I don't know what to... Do you always have to be alone just by yourself, just you alone why don't you let me in Do you have always have to go away so far away, so far away why can't you stay In a place of refuge where no one's allowed somewhere up north where no helping hands will reach you in your silent desert land as captain of a peaceful phantom ship in a proud and senseless soul how am I supposed to help you I don't know what to do, I don't know what to... Do you always have to be alone Just by yourself, just you alone Why don't you let me in Do you always have to go away So far away, so far away Why can't you stay How am I supposed to help you When you're in your desert land How am I supposed to help you I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do Do you always have to be alone Just by yourself, just you alone Why don't you let me in Do you always have to go away So far away, so far away Why can't you stay Do you always have to be alone Just by yourself, just you alone Why don't you let me in Do you always have to go away So far away, so far away Why can't you stay Do you always have to go away? Baby can't you stay... Do you always have to be alone Do you always have to go away Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - So Dem A Com So dem a com, so dem a com, dem a com, dem a com So dem a com with a bompin' song So dem a com with a bompin' song, so dem a com Late in the evening when the "E-Type" left the stage Casanova takes over, now they call me P.J. Them balin: rampam-zibbie-dibbie, ever in style P.J. breaks your heart and then he'll leave you with a smile So dem a com, so dem a com, dem a com, dem a com So dem a com with a bompin' song, so dem a com with a bompin' song, so dem a com P.J. comes like Jorghie-Porghie, kiss the girls and make them cry 'Cause tonight I'm making all them pretty girls go wild Them balin: rampam-zibbie-dibbie, ever in style P.J. breaks your heart and then he'll leave you with a smile You'll never see it now but P.J.'s coming up Zippin' with them jah-jah-men he's staying on the top Them balin: rampam-zibbie-dibbie, ever in style P.J. breaks your heart and then he'll leave you with a smile Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
orujov Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Honestly what will become of me don't like reality It's way too clear to me But really life is dandy We are what we don't see Missed everything daydreaming Flames to dust Lovers to friends Why do all good things come to an end Flames to dust Lovers to friends Why do all good things come to an end come to an end come to an Why do all good things come to end? come to an end come to an Why do all good things come to an end? Traveling I only stop at exits Wondering if I'll stay Young and restless Living this way I stress less I want to pull away when the dream dies The pain sets it and I don't cry I only feel gravity and I wonder why Цитата доцент бы заставил. молчание - золото. мужчины не плачут. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Russian Lullaby Let's you and me together leave for higher ground when you're all alone just listen to the sound Lullaby, we fall asleep when we hear... lullaby, we fly away when we hear... lullaby, we travel far when we hear... lullaby, when we hear the Russian lullaby... in the night, when the seas are rolling in in the night, when the stars are shining clear in the night, when the ghosts are howling near in the night, when we sing the Russian lullaby When we are going through the night in search of light let's you and me enjoy the mach 5 speed of life Lullaby, we fall asleep when we hear... lullaby, we fly away when we hear... lullaby, we travel far when we hear... lullaby, when we hear the Russian lullaby... in the night, when the seas are rolling in in the night, when the stars are shining clear in the night, when the ghosts are howling near in the night, when we sing the Russian lullaby Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Free Like A Flying Demon I'm calling upon your attention now is the time, we're talking serious redemption Come follow me red light wasn't warning when I first saw her body move I wasn't sure it was a jet stall. I'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies Just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life I thought I had it all, now I am down and low Memories on the wall, I have to let it go... Why can't you see into the future? You're going to get hurt by someone who won't suit you they call it you destiny But I am pretty sure now That one who is lonely can't get hurt She is getting stronger I thought I had it all, now I am down and low Memories on the wall, I have to let it go... I'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies Just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life Someday it might just work but this ain't the time This grounded flight is taking off, I leave you behind I'm free like.....a more of them filthy lies just free like.....a demon....this is the day of my life I'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies Just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Calling Your Name There is something I have to say to you before I am on my knees and I`m looking for some answers You`ve got that certain something, I don`t know what to do Don`t tell me what is better, I`m just not a fool Ah, should`ve never done that Ah, why did I do that? Ah, will you forgive me? I`m calling, I`m calling your name Ah, should`ve never done that Ah, why do I do that? Will you forgive me? I`m calling, I`m calling your name Where the winds would never lie And I know that it can`t be the same Where the winds would never lie I`m calling, I`m calling your name I just can`t let you go, can`t let you get away I`m such a fool for you and tired of being second to none I`m gonna take you with me and chase the clouds away Why can`t you see your body`s begging me to stay? Ah, should`ve never done that Ah, why did I do that? Ah, will you forgive me? I`m calling, I`m calling your name Ah, should`ve never done that Ah, why do I do that? Will you forgive me? I`m calling, I`m calling your name Where the winds would never lie And I know that it can`t be the same Where the winds would never lie I`m calling, I`m calling your name We are forever lovers I just can`t take any more Why don`t you call my name? I wonder why I can`t let go We are forever lovers I just can`t take any more Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Back In The Loop Time has come to get the troops back together No one's cruising for a bruising It's a landslide, can't die Time to get what's coming to me Time to let things go There is no way to stop the yellow danger Time has come for you Cause I'm back.... Back! Cause I'm back.....Back! I'm back......Back! Cause I'm back......Back! Snap out of it now We're back in the loop and it's time to move on We're aiming for all or nothing now We're back in the loop and it's time to go on For us it is all or nothing now Who are you? Friend or foe? Now leave your sorrows all behind This ain't enugh, hanging tough Now you must make up your mind We can't stay down, we have to leave There is no place for us to hide, so this is it You've been warned now either join or step aside Cause I'm back Back! Cause I'm back.....Back! Snap out of it now We're back in the loop and it's time to move on We're aiming for all or nothing now We're back in the loop and it's time to go on For us it is all or nothing now Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-type - I Just Wanna Be With You It`s time to cut the slack now you are gonna hear me balin` truth Back out from the underworld I`m here now I`ve got something to prove So hush and keep up now, serious, I`m telling you that she`s one of a kind Keep all your fingers to yourself I`m here to take back what`s mine Hear me say.... This time you`re all mine. Let it shine I can`t get you off my mind, I just wanna be with you You`re the best I`ll ever find, I wanna be with you I`m on a mission from God I`m crazy, this is the war that I will win for sure my middle name is Overkill Keep watching, you`ll see that I will score Boom, Boom, when we come across the sea what ever we search for we will find Keep all your fingers to yourself I`m here to take back what`s mine Hear me say.... This time you`re all mine. Let us shine I can`t get you off my mind, I just wanna be with you You`re the best I`ll ever find, I wanna be with you Hear me I`m here to take what`s mine I just wanna be with you What ever I`ll search for I will find I wanna be with you Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - You Will Always Be A Part Of Me My mind keeps drifting back to things we said this morning Now I'm sitting here alone, watching the world pass me by Every time we part I fell like I'm falling No matter what you think I still love you You will always be a part of me, no matter what we do You will always hold a piece of me wherever I may go The sky gets darker and I sense that you are far and away I miss the times we had when things were going our way But every time we part you know how much it hurts me No matter what you think I still love you. You will always be a part of me, no matter what we do You will always hold a piece of me, wherever I may go Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-type - Angels Crying I`ve got all systems go nothing standing in my way I should be far down the road but I`m not Something`s holding me back like a wild boar attack and I`ve got you by my side but you`re not Do you remember when we thought there was no end a shooting star around the sky Do you remember when you were from heaven sent how far the wind could make me fly Angels crying, when you`re far away from me Always trying, I will make you see Angels crying, when you`re far away from me No denying, we were meant to be I tumbled from the sky where I was soaring so high Never thought that I could fall back down to the ground Somewhere along the ride I found that we can`t stop the tide it is time for me to buy another round Do you remember when we thought there was no end a shooting star around the sky Do you remember when you were from heaven sent how far the wind could make me fly Angels crying, when you`re far away from me Always trying, I will make you see Angels crying, when you`re far away from me No denying, we were meant to be Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-type - Here I Go Again Here I go again it`s time for me to fade away Here I go It`s time again to let the storm rise and I`m waiting here with great expectations and I know You call it what you want but for now I`m standing tall and I`m here to get it all give me your best shot or go You gotta move on you better believe it And you`ll find out this is the time of your life You gotta move on you better believe it You can be sure this is the ride of your life Here I go again, it`s time for me to fade away I`m out of here I go again, I`ve lost the game And no one is to blame So time waits for no one and I only get a chance to be on top of the world and you know If you want to move on you will have to be strong cause it won`t last long you will reap what you sow You gotta move on you better believe it And you`ll find out this is the time of your life You gotta move on you better believe it You can be sure this is the ride of your life Here I go again, it`s time for me to fade away I`m out of here I go again, I`ve lost the game And no one is to blame So time is running out I feel I have to let you go And I know, no one is to blame Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 E-Type - Hold Your Horses Hold your horses tonight, Let's go wild for a night Hold your horses tonight, Lose control for a night 'til the morning comes So here it comes again You'll love it when you hear it Cause we're leaving now We'll never look back We're on the move again Join in or step aside We go for all time high And that's what we're gonna reach We're going loco, time to go insane All common sense is going down the drain We're going loco, time to go insane All common sense is going down the drain Hold your horses tonight, everybody's here now Let's go wild for a night, 'til the morning comes Hold your horses tonight, everybody's here now Lose control for a night, 'til the morning comes We're going loco, time to go insane All common sense is going down the drain We're going loco, time to go insane All common sense is going down the drain Hold your horses tonight, everybody's here now Let's go wild for a night, 'til the morning comes Hold your horses tonight, everybody's here now Lose control for a night, 'til the morning comes Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 1 марта, 2008 (изменено) E-Type - I'm Falling I'm falling... I'm falling to pieces inside my mind without you Among the things that you left behind a picture painted by our dreams so now I'm none, I become unreal the world is closing in on me gotta learn, gotta learn to live without your love in my life (don't want me) gotta learn, gotta learn to live without your love in my life gotta learn, gotta learn to live without your love in my life (don't want me) gotta learn how to survive We just got to learn how to forgive you decide if I will die or live 'Cause I am falling I'm falling to pieces inside my mind without you I'm falling I'm falling to pieces inside my mind without you Those days and nights, they went flying by and still my love is wider than the sky Picking 'em, picking 'em, picking 'em, pickin 'em picking up, picking up the bits and the pieces of our love (don't want me) picking up, picking up the bits and the pieces of our love picking up, picking up the bits and the pieces of our love (don't want me) picking up bits of our love We just got to learn how to survive you decide if I will live or die 'Cause I am falling I'm falling to pieces inside my mind without you I'm falling I'm falling to pieces inside my mind without you Изменено 1 марта, 2008 пользователем Princess Nefertari Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf: Al-Mu'allim We once had a Teacher The Teacher of teachers, He changed the world for the better And made us better creatures, Oh Allah we’ve shamed ourselves We’ve strayed from Al-Mu'allim, Surely we’ve wronged ourselves What will we say in front him? Oh Mu'allim... He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind, He was Muhammad salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, Muhammad, mercy upon Mankind, Teacher of all Mankind. Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet] Ya Habibi ya Muhammad (My beloved O Muhammad) Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad (My intercessor O Muhammad) Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad (The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad) Ya Mustafa ya Imamal Mursalina (O Chosen One, O Imam of the Messengers) Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina (O Chosen One, O intercessor of the worlds) He prayed while others slept While others ate he’d fast, While they would laugh he wept Until he breathed his last, His only wish was for us to be Among the ones who prosper, Ya Mu'allim peace be upon you, Truly you are our Teacher, Oh Mu'allim.. Ya Habibi ya Muhammad (My beloved O Muhammad) Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad (My intercessor O Muhammad) Ya Rasuli ya Muhammad (O My Messenger O Muhammad) Ya Bashiri ya Muhammad (O bearer of good news O Muhammad) Ya Nadhiri ya Muhammad (O warner O Muhammad) 'Ishqu Qalbi ya Muhammad (The love of my heart O Muhammad) Nuru 'Ayni ya Muhammad (Light of my eye O Muhammad) He taught us to be just and kind And to feed the poor and hungry, Help the wayfarer and the orphan child And to not be cruel and miserly, His speech was soft and gentle, Like a mother stroking her child, His mercy and compassion, Were most radiant when he smiled Abal Qasim [one of the names of the Prophet] Ya Habibi ya Muhammad (My beloved O Muhammad) Ya Shafi'i ya Muhammad (My intercessor O Muhammad) Khayru khalqillahi Muhammad (The best of Allah’s creation is Muhammad) Ya Mustafa Ya Imamal Mursalina (O Chosen One O Imam of the Messengers) Ya Mustafa ya Shafi'al 'Alamina (O Chosen One O intercessor of the worlds) Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 (изменено) Sami Yusuf - Eid Song Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid La ilaha illallah Muhammad rasulallah La ilaha illallah Muhammad rasulallah ‘Alayhi salatullah ‘Alayhi salatullah Children are wearing new clothes Bright colours fill the streets Their faces full of laughter Their pockets full of sweets Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid Mosques are full of worshippers in rows straight and neat Their Lord they remember, His name they repeat Their hands are raised to the sky They supplicate and plead On this blessed day Forgive us they entreat Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid People are giving charity And helping those in need In giving they’re competing Today there is no greed Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid Enemies embracing each other All hatred is buried Everyone is celebrating Greeting everyone they meet Let us rejoice indeed For this is the day of Eid Изменено 2 марта, 2008 пользователем Princess Nefertari Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf - Free What goes through your mind? As you sit there looking at me Well I can tell from your looks That you think I’m so oppressed But I don’t need for you to liberate me My head is not bare And you can’t see my covered hair So you sit there and you stare And you judge me with your glare You’re sure I’m in despair But are you not aware Under this scarf that I wear I have feelings, and I do care So don’t you see? That I’m truly free This piece of scarf on me I wear so proudly To preserve my dignity... My modesty My integrity So don’t judge me Open your eyes and see... “Why can’t you just accept me?” she says “Why can’t I just be me?” she says Time and time again You speak of democracy Yet you rob me of my liberty And all I want is equality Why can’t you just let me be free? For you I sing this song My sister, may you always be strong From you I’ve learnt so much How you suffer so much Yet you forgive those who laugh at you You walk with no fear Through the insults you hear Your wish so sincere That they’d understand you But before you walk away This time you turn and say: But don’t you see? That I’m truly free This piece of scarf on me I wear so proudly To preserve my dignity My modesty My integrity So let me be She says with a smile I’m the one who’s free Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf - Hasbi Rabbi O Allah the Almighty Protect me and guide me To your love and mercy Ya Allah don’t deprive me From beholding your beauty O my Lord accept this plea Hasbi rabbi jallallah Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah There is nothing in my heart except Allah Wo tanha kaun hai Badshah wo kaun hai Meherba wo kaun hai Who is the only One? Who is the King? Who is the Merciful? Kya unchi shan hai Uskey sab nishan hai Sab dilon ki jan hai Who is the most praised and benevolent? Whatever you see in this world is His sign He’s the love of every soul Affeder gunahi Alemin padisahi Yureklerin penahi He is the Forgiver of all sins He is the King of the universe He is the Refuge of all hearts Isit Allah derdimi, bu ahlarimi Rahmeyle, bagisla gunahlarimi Hayreyle hem aksam hem sabahlarimi O Allah hear my sorrows and my sighs Have mercy and pardon my sins Bless my night and days Ya rabbal ‘alamin Salli ‘ala Tahal amin Fi kulli waqtin wa hin O Lord of the worlds Send peace and blessings On Ta-ha the trustworthy In every time and at every instant Imla’ qalbi bil yaqin Thabbitni ‘ala hadhad din Waghfir li wal muslimin Fill my heart with conviction Make me steadfast on this Religion And forgive me and all the believers Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf - Make A Prayer O people In a hut made of tin and clay A small boy dreams away Of clean water and a meal a day And not to fear mines as he plays each day O people Somewhere dark and out of the way Aids has found yet another prey To save his life he just couldn’t pay Tell me what we’re going to do For our brothers in Durban For our sisters in Darfur Show me what we’re going to do Are we just going to sit there? Nice and cosy on our armchairs Will we not even make a prayer? You might ask yourself Why should I help these people? They’ll tell you why We’re not so different from you We have dreams just like you But they were buried with the bodies of our loved ones O people Are we deaf, dumb, and blind? What is going through our minds? Don’t we care for the rest of mankind? O people We claim to love peace and justice Why do we preach what we don’t practice? Let’s help them out of this darkness Tell me what we’re going to do For our brothers in Ethiopia For our sisters in Rwanda Show me what we’re going to do Are we just going to sit there? Nice and cosy on our armchairs Will we not even make a prayer? Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf - Mother Blessed is your face Blessed is your name My beloved Blessed is your smile Which makes my soul want to fly My beloved All the nights And all the times That you cared for me But I never realised it And now it’s too late Forgive me Now I’m alone filled with so much shame For all the years I caused you pain If only I could sleep in your arms again Mother I’m lost without you You were the sun that brightened my day Now who’s going to wipe my tears away If only I knew what I know today Mother I’m lost without you Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka Qawlu rasulika Fi qalbi, fi hulumi Anti ma’i ya ummi Mother... Mother... O my mother How I long to see O mother “Your mother, Your mother, Your mother” Is the saying of your Prophet In my heart, in my dreams You are always with me mother Ruhti wa taraktini Ya nura ‘aynayya Ya unsa layli Ruhti wa taraktini Man siwaki yahdhununi Man siwaki yasturuni Man siwaki yahrusuni ‘Afwaki ummi Samihini... You went and left me O light of my eyes O comfort of my nights You went and left me Who, other than you, will embrace me? Who, other than you, will cover me? Who, other than you, will guard over me? Your pardon mother, forgive me Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf - Muhammad (pbuh) Every day I see the same headlines Crimes committed in the name of the divine People committing atrocities in his name They murder and kidnap with no shame But did he teach hatred, violence, or bloodshed? No... Oh No He taught us about human brotherhood And against prejudice he firmly stood He loved children, their hands he’d hold And taught his followers to respect the old So would he allow the murder of an innocent child? Oh No... Muhammad ya rasulallah Muhammad ya habiballah Muhammad ya khalilallah Muhammad Muhammad ya rasulallah Muhammad ya shafi’allah Muhammad ya bashirallah Ya rasulallah Muhammad the light of my eyes About you they spread many lies If only they came to realise Bloodshed you despise Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf - Munajat Wahdi fi dhulmati layli Fi wahshati darbi Hammi yuthqiluni Dhanbi yu’limuni Alone, in the darkness of my night In the loneliness of my path My worries weigh me down My sins pain me Wahdi, ad’uka wa arju Min dhanbi ashku Mali siwak Ana fi himak Alone, I supplicate to You and I hope From my sins I complain I have no one but You I am at Your door Farham ‘abdan najak Ya Allah, ya Allah Anta alraja Minka alhuda Ya Allah, ya Allah So forgive a servant who intimately calls You O Allah, O Allah You are all hope, From You is guidance O Allah, O Allah Rabbahu hudak Ma ziltu asir Wa’alal ‘isyan Ma ‘udtu qadir Fa’anir durubi Waghfir dhunubi Fa’anal faqir O Allah give me your guidance For I am still imprisoned Of disobedience I am no longer c.ble So illuminate my paths and forgive my sins For I am poor and in need of You Qad ‘adal qalbu Fiddarbi yasir Farihan mushtaqan Lillahi yatir Wa rajahu ridhaka Yawma liqaka Antal qadir My heart has returned to walk on the path Full of joy and longing, flying to God And its only hope is gaining your pleasure On the day of meeting You You are the Omnipotent Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
Princess Nefertari Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 2 марта, 2008 Sami Yusuf - My Ummah My ummah, my ummah He will say Rasulullah on that day Even though we've strayed from him and his way My brothers, my sisters, in Islam Let’s struggle, work, and pray If we are to Bring back the glory of his way Ya Allah ya rabbal ‘alamin Ya rahmanu ya rahim Ya rabbi O Allah Lord of the Worlds O Merciful and Beneficent O my Lord Let the Ummah rise again Let us see daylight again Once again Let’s become whole again Proud again ’Cause I swear with firm belief in our hearts We can bring back the glory of our past My ummah, my ummah He will say Rasulullah on that day Even though we strayed from him and his way Look at where we were And look at where we are And tell me Is this how he’d want it to be? Oh no! Let us bring back our glory Цитата Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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