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This is the BBC 2 television documentary programme that has been postponed

a couple of times already. However, it has now been confirmed for showing on SUNDAY, 26 JANUARY 2003, on BBC 2, at 7:15 PM.

This documentary 'Armenian Betrayed' is part of the BBC2 CORRESPONDENT series. The reporter is Fergal Keane, the producer is James Miller and the editor is the newly-appointed Karen O'Connor. The deputy editor is David Belton and the online producer is Andrew Jeffrey.

The BBC promotes this Correspondent programme as follows:

"" Fergal Keane investigates how a terrible slaughter which occurred three quarters of a century ago has returned to haunt the relationship between Turkey and its Western allies. For decades, the Armenian people have campaigned to have the killings of

hundreds of thousands of their forefathers in Ottoman Turkey in 1915 recognised as genocide. But there has been an equally determined campaign

by Turkey to deny genocide with threats of reprisals against any country which uses the word to describe the slaughter.

Now as the United Nations steps up its efforts to win Ankara's support in any conflict with Iraq, Correspondent reveals new Turkish pressures. Threats to withdraw military bases have forced the American Congress to abandon legislation which would have used the all important term, "genocide".

The programme also discloses how president George W Bush and his predecessor Bill Clinton both broke promises to the Armenian community

that they would recognise genocide.

Talking to Armenian survivors, Turkish officials and key political figures in the United States, Correspondent investigates a story of terrible slaughter, political intrigue and a people betrayed. ""

The date of the programme - 26 January 2003, one day before the commemorative national event for Holocaust Memorial Day 2003 in Edinburgh -

is equally significant. It tallies with the efforts deployed by CRAG and other

individuals to raise the awareness of the British community to the Armenian Genocide at a time when the UK Government resists lending much of a

listening ear to the historical and painful veracity of this genocide.

The Correspondent programme also provides the facility for online comments from viewers, and your opinions matter too in case you can log on and give pithy and concise responses to the contents of the programme itself. Those

comments can evidently be critical as much as positive.


There will also be a programme about the London Armenian Community on BBC Radio 4 on 7 January 2003 at 1:30 PM. The programme is from the series 'Distant Chords' and is entitled 'My Book,

My Mountain, Myself'. Radio 4 can be found on 93.5 FM.


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Professor McCarthy: Armenian genocide is British propaganda

Renown U.S. historian and expert on Ottoman affairs, Professor Justin McCarthy said allegations of Armenian genocide are British propaganda

Professor Justin McCarthy, speaking at a conference in London, said that a source known as the "Blue Book" chosen by Armenians to prove their claims of genocide is one of the products of British war propaganda bureau's efforts of misinformation during first world war.

The Blue Book written by Viscount Bryce and Arnold Toynbee has been used as proof that Armenians and the victims of the Jewish Holocaust suffered the same fate in history. This book has been said to be a product of British intelligence designed to promote and promulgate lies during World War I. Britain had set up the war propaganda bureau at Wellington House for the sole purpose of promoting lies and misinformation on Germany and the Ottoman Empire. The British were in full co-operation with American missionaries in Anatolia and the American Embassy in Istanbul conjured a so called Armenian genocide based on gossip, hear-say and erroneous information.

The real purpose behind this exercise was to create and strengthen an image in the minds of British military officers that the Turk were evil, horrible and untrustworthy McCarthy adds.



All documents at the Wellington House where the British carried out their propaganda were destroyed when the war ended. One document that survived, however, was the Blue Book (it is documented that many more of these books were published and copied for other countries). This book is currently being used around the world as a legal document on the genocide.


The American historian and expert on Ottoman affairs was a recent speaker at the London School of Oriental and African Studies. He commented on a few of the stomach churning activities of the British during the first world war. He stated, When the war began, a secret propaganda unit was set up at Wellington House, London (on September 2, 1914). This units sole aim was to provide support for Britain, smear Britains enemies, obtain support for the British view through the use of Americans, and to keep British morale high during the war. This unit was headed by Charles Masterman a Liberal m.p. He was a close friend of Lloyd George. There also was an American intellectual named Viscount Bryce working in this bureau who had many influential friends in the U.S. Arnold Toynbee, young historian, meanwhile was one of Bryces close friends at the time.


At the end of the war all documents and records of work at the war propaganda bureau were destroyed, and its existence was only admitted in 1935. However, the sources of the propaganda bureau were discovered due to one records book surviving until present - Publications prepared in this bureau and the existence of seven million documents which were very efficiently sent to the United States after the war were also exposed. Many famous authors of the time as Arnold Bennett and John Buchan were also employed by the Wellington House, where they published brochures, books and statements for the war effort.


Although Germany was the actual target of activities at Wellington House, the Ottoman Empire, having sided with Germany during the war received its fair share of false propaganda. No matter how sympathetic the British officers felt towards their Turkish compatriots, the image that Turkish officers were bad, evil and untrustworthy was strengthened by such slanderous data.


Work carried out by those at Wellington House on Ottomans involved many so called authors and writers whose existence could not be verified and thus, the information remains unconfirmed. For example, there was apparently a Syrian member of the Ottoman Committee of Union and Progress Party, named Faiz whose memoirs are mentioned in publications of the Wellington House. This persons existence is totally make-belief and his statements on Talat Pasha, a complete fallacy since he never existed. Wellington House also proves the close co-operation which existed between them and the American diplomats and missionaries based in Turkey during that time. Since it is documented that these groups were close to the Armenians in Turkey, their so called information from Turkey is a total fabrication.


Public law and order was severely disrupted as a result of Armenians revolting against Ottoman authority in eastern Anatolia, which led Bryce and Toynbee to concoct material to document alleged atrocities committed by Ottomans. Lloyd George asked to collect these documents in the Blue Book. This document was later submitted to the British parliament and has since been used as a classic documentation by radical nationalist Armenian groups.


It is thought that Toynbee believed in the authenticity and truthfulness of material received from American missionaries in Anatolia. However, he also added some spice to these imaginary stories, since it was his country that was at war with Turkey and he thought it would be right to lie in his reports. As was proved in his late career, Toynbee was indeed an avid Turk hater, but was too far away from the events of eastern Turkey in 1916 to document anything.

It is easy to see far away from such events Armenians living in Turkey were and in looking at Toynbees data. Toynbee also seems to have exaggerated their relıabılıty for they turned and fought against their former protector for promises made by outsiders. For example so many anecdotes mentioned by western observers are not by western travelers but by a local Armenians travelling only short distances. One tenth of the anecdotes do not even have a source of any kind. Other sources are generally hearsay and have no witnesses who can attest to the so called crimes.


All propaganda against Germany by Wellington House has been forgotten, yet unfortunately Bryce - Toynbee documents have been recognized as true in Britain and U.S. These documents have always been used by radical militant Armenians to pursue their goals. There is no information at hand about whether Turkey has shown any reactions against the impact of these documents. The mentioned Blue Book has been published more then once. Ara Sarafian who is to publish the book for the third time does not mention the fact that the books contents were prepared at Wellington House and that its sources are untrustworthy. Thus, propaganda carried out by the British during World War I continues to spread its venom against all Turkish people living around the world.

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Britanci samaya turkophilnaya nacia v mire. Eto nado im spasibo skazat chto yest gosudarstvo Azerbaijan. No yesli i oni reshili govorit pravdu pro turciu to znachit mojno predstavit naskolko obnagleli turki chto daje briti terpet ne mogut

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Арманский геноцид это Британская пропаганда.

Известный Американский историк и эксперт по Оттоманским делам, Профессор МcСартu утверждает что Арманский геноцид бил Британской пропагандой.

Профессор Justin McCarthy, виступая на конференции в Лондоне, заявил что документ известный как “Синая книга' используемая арманами как докозательство ихнего притазания, геноцида, ест продукт Британского военного буро пo пропагандe дававшее дезинформацию в течении 1 мировой войни.

Голубая книга написанная Viscount Bryce and Arnold Toynbee было использовано как докозательство того что армане и жертви Jевиш Холоkауст претерпели одинаковую долу в истории. Эта книга , говорица, продyкт Британской разведслyжби предназначенный для дезинформиpoвaния во времена 1 мир. воины. Британия установила буро военной пропоганди в Веллингтон Хоусе лишь для единственного намерения снабжaть десинформацией о Германии и Оттоман Эмпире. Британцы били в полной кооперации с Американскими мессионерами в Анатолий и v US Эмбассы в Станбуле утверждая о так называемом арманском геноциде основанних на слухах, неподвержденной и ошибочной информацией. Явная цель скрывавшаяса под этим было создания и укрепления имиджа в сознании Британских слуяших того что Турки били нехорошими, ненадейними и ужaсними, McCarthy добаблает.



Все документы в Велингтон хаусе где британцы производили пропоганды было уничтожено когда война закончиласа. Один документ сохранился, все таки, который бил “Блуе Боок' (документировано что было публиковано u кокпировано во многие государиства).

Американский историк доказывает факти.

Американский историк и эксперт по Оттоманским делам виступал в Лондонской Школе по Востоковедению и по Африки. Он прокоментировал некоторые визивающие тошноту деятельности Британии в период 1 мир. войни. Он высказался, когда война началаса, часть по секретной пропоганде обосновался в велингтон хоусе, лондон (2 сентабря 1914 года). Единственная цель этого подразделения было обеспечение поддержки Британии, и дискредитироваnuu врагов, добиваться поддержки для Британской точки зрения используя Америку, и поддерживать высокий боевой дух Британской армии во время войни. Это подразделение возглавлал либерал Charles Masterman

Он был близким другом Lloyd George. В этом буро также работал американский интелектуал Висцоунт Bryce кто имел множество влиятельных друзей в Америке. Арнолд Тойбее, молодой историк, тем временем бил тоже близким другом Bryce.

7 миллионов документов. В конце войни все документы а также все записи в буро по военной пропоганде били уничтожени, и его существование было подтверждено только к 1935 году. Тем не менее источники этого подразделения били обнаружени благодара одной сохранившейса книге. Публикации подготовленные в этом буро и существования 7 миллионов документов которые били эффективно переслани в америку. Многие известные автори того времени как Arnold Bennett and John Buchan также работали на Веллингтон Хоусе, где они публиковали брошури, книги и утверждения для podderjaniya войни.

Несмотря на то что Германия была фактической мишеню деятельности Wellington house., Оттомаская империя, находашаяса в алянсе с Германией во время 1 мир. Войни получила свою долю в фальшивой пропоганде. Не смотря как сочувственно относились британские офицери по отношению к турецким соотечественникам, имаdjе турецкой армии было плохим, который подтачивался кливетническими сведениями.

Не существующие имена.

Работа введенная этим отделом по осмаской империи включала множество так называемих авторов и писателей существования которых не возможно было проверить и таким образом инфо остается неподвержденной. Например, там бил Сирийский представитель Комитета Союса Османов и Партии прогресса, называемый Фаиз мемуари которого приведени в публикациях Веллингтон хаусе. Существования этой персони явлаётся полнейшим притворством и его утверждения о Талат Паша, явлаётся полнейшей видумкой так как он никогда не существовал. Wellington. Х также доказывает что существовало близкое сотруднечество между ними и американcкими дипломатами и миссионерами базированими в Турции в то время. Так как это документировано что эти группи били близки к Арманам в Турции, ихнее так называемая инфо о Турции явлается полнейшей видумкой.

Голубая книга заказанный Lloydsom

Общественный закон а также порадок бил серьёзно нарушен в результате арманского восстания против турков в восточной Анатолий, который привел к тому что Bryce и Тойнбее сострапали материал продокументировав мнимyю жестокость совершенный османами. Ллойд попросил собрать эти документы в Голубую книгу. Этот доkумент позже бил представлен Британскому парламенту и с текс пор используется как традиционный документ арманскими национал группами.

Тойнбее бил анти-турком.

Это считается что Тойнбее верил в искренность и достоверность материалов полученных от Американских миссионеров в Анатолий. Тем не менее, он также добавил от своего специя к этим мнимым историям, так как это была его страна в войне с турцией и он думал что будет правильно если он исказит и преукрасит свои рапорты. Как было доказано в последующей его кариере, Тойнее бил в самом деле яростный анти турк.

Никакой реакции от турков.

Вса пропаганда Well. House о германии была сразу забыта, но к соялению документации Брыце-Той били признани как Правда Америкой и Британией. Эти документы всегда использовались радикальними арманами для своих интересов.

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