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The National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia (NCOA) will make a three day tour to Nagorno Karabagh from July 3 through 6 for performances in Stepanakert, Gandzasar Monastery and Shushi. The tour is part of the orcehstra’s annual charitable performances in the regions of Armenia and Artsakh.

First concert of the tour will take place on July 3 at 20:30 at Cultural Center in Stepanakert which will be followed by a performance in Gandzasar Monastery on July 4 at 12:00.

The NCOA Karabagh tour will conclude with a Gala Open-Air Concert at the front lawn of Shushi’s magnificent College of Applied Sciences, built in 1901and damaged during Karabagh armed conflict. Accompanied by spectacular lighting effects the concert will begin at 22:00.

With this concert NCOA partakes in efforts to building international awareness for the reconstruction of this historic Scientific and Cultural center in Shushi.

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А что, Мард-это у вас флаг порвался или эта стрелка означает что-то, акак "держись левой стороны"? :gizildish: Я такое только на хайвеях вижу....


а...а..а. понял, это наверное ваш журавль-"крунк"... а дошло наконец ( только чей-то он к нам в Aвстралию зачастил?)

Изменено пользователем Albans
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Khojaly tragedy is the bloody page of ethnic cleansing and genocide policy carried out by the aggressive Armenian nationalists towards our people for more than 200 years. This disgraceful policy and hostility pursued with special thoroughness at different times in various forms has never been stopped, sometimes it emerged as open confrontations and bloody clashes, and sometimes was camouflaged with the ideological form according to the demands of the period.

Territorial claims put forward by the aggressive Armenian chauvinists 15 years ago led to the massive deportation of Azerbaijanis from their ancient lands, numerous terror acts and a large-scale brutal war. As a result ten thousands of people died, became invalids, hundred thousands of our country-fellows turned into refugees and IDP’s. Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and 7 other surrounding regions were occupied by the Armenian military units. But destruction of ancient Khojaly town on February 26, 1992 with unprecedented brutality became the most terrible one of these tragedies. Armenian military units together with the 366-th soviet regiment massacred hundreds of people, including women, children and old people without mercy, killed them with unprecedented torture in the military history, made them subject of humiliation. Due to its brutality, severity, massive character and gravity of committed crimes Khojaly tragedy will remain as a black spot in the history of mankind.

Aim of the Armenian chauvinists committing Khojaly genocide was to frighten our people, to keep it under fear, to break its fighting will, to achieve its reconciliation with the fact of occupation of our territories. But the enemy did not achieve its evil intentions. Defenders of Khojaly did not become confused in front of enemies totally equipped with modern arms, did not break and showed patterns of heroism and bravery. Fighting bravely in unequal battle they demonstrated real self-sacrifice and patriotism.

Speaking of Khojaly tragedy political and moral responsibility of the leaders of Azerbaijan and the people claiming for leadership at that time should be especially underlined. The governmental structures, which had to ensure the public order and security of the citizens due to their official duties, didn’t take concrete measures to protect the city and left the citizens to the mercy of the fate. No help was rendered to the defenders of the city who had been being under the siege and fighting bravely against the powerful enemy for a long time. Instead of informing the foreign states and international community on the scale and the burden of grave crime and act of genocide, perpetrated against our nation and publicizing the truth, the leadership of the country tried to hide the real situation and demonstrated absolute inactivity, irresponsibility and indifference to the fate of the people. Subsequently, no steps have been taken for revealing the meaning of the Khojali genocide and disclosing the executers and perpetrators of this genocide. The tragedy of our people, destroyed lives of thousands of people was misused by the means of reciprocal accusations in the political struggle of the government and opposition parties of that time.

Starting from 1994, the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan conduct a course for publicizing the real truth about the Khojali genocide and all the realities of the crimes perpetrated by the Armenian chauvinist-nationalists against Azerbaijanis with all its scale and honors to the world states, parliaments and broad community. Furthermore, the Government and the Parliament conduct a course for achievement of recognition of genocide policy of the Armenian chauvinist-nationalists. These measures are directed to the international politico-legal appraisal of the tragedy and to the deserved punishment of ideologists, organizers and executers of the crimes. Besides this, the above-mentioned measures are our civic and human duties in front of the souls of Khojali martyrs and defenders of our Motherland.

The leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducts purposeful and consistent policy for the fair resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in accordance with principles of international law and for the release of our territories from occupation. Justice and provisions of international law are on our side and time works for us. Today, our state and nation are incomparably strong economically, politically and morally. The independent Republic of Azerbaijan turned into significant factor of the world policy. I believe that, the strengthening of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, provision of inviolability of borders and territorial integrity will be paramount monument for Khojaly martyrs and all heroic sons of our nation.

In this day of mourning, we are once again respectfully bend our heads before the holy souls of Khojaly martyrs and heroes and ask a pray from God. I express my condolence to the relatives of those people and to all our nation.

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Эх, Albans, Albans...

Да ..нет я не со зла...просто я не сразу понял, что тут выложено....

просто изображение не совсем понятное....

Я стараюсь делать пояснее :gizildish:


Изменено пользователем Albans
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Да ..нет я не со зла...просто я не сразу понял, что тут выложено....

просто изображение не совсем понятное....

Я стараюсь делать пояснее

Нет, определенно "Эх, Albans, Albans..." ;(

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