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Англо-Азербайджанский словарь


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Don't throw your ass and head = don't try to look tough = Got-bash atma

To make ass and head = to be beaten = Got-bash etmek

On my head = affirmative response to request = Bash uste

Make respect = to bribe = Hormet etmek

Go and jump = биип off = Get atdan

Go and fart = биип off = Get ostur

Go and биип = биип off = Get биип

Let your pain be mine = honey/dear = Qadan alim

Son of a sister = polite address to male stranger = Baji oglu

Decrepit = morally poor man = Cindir

Torn = bad woman = Cindir

Bream = drunken or beaten to death = Lesh

To throw = to cheat = Atmag

Whom to биип to go behind? = question usually asked by dog beaters on the streets when deciding how to earn money = Kimi sikak gabag dushak?

To beat head from stone to stone = to use best endeavours = Bashini dashdan-dasha doymek

Let me charge = wait when I am ready (comic response to opponent) = Dayan-doldurum

Head and leg = national meal = Bash-ayag

Shit fries = national meal of bowels = Poxlu govurma

If one hair is less from smb's head = Degree of care about somebody usually followed by the next aggressive phrase = Bashindan bir tuk askik olsa

To make somebody's mom crying = to make evil to somebody also or to perfectly handle smth. = Anasini aglatmaq

To make howl / To make cry = to perfectly handle smth. = Kishkirtmaq / aglatmag

White hair = lucky man = Ag tuk

To have white hair on smbd's ass = be lucky = Gotunda ag tuk var

To have packs of white hair on smbd's ass = to be even more luckier = Gotunda pachka-pachka ag tuk var

To care white hair on smbd's ass = means continuously be happy = gotundaki ag tuku baslamak

Shorts = torn decrepit = Shortu

Grasshopper = tiny thin man = Chiyirtka

Insect = impudent person = Hasharat

To fart = to fail in smth = Osturdu

Life farts = to lose = Hayat osturdu

Life биипs = to lose = Hayat биипdi

People in Paris enjoy life = description of life elsewhere, also applicable to situation when your own life farts = Paris xalgi keyf eylayir

My eye does not drink water from you = Gozum sennen su ichmir

Keep your heart like ice = Do not worry = Ureyini buz kimi saxla

White beard = Usually old man who can give clever advice = Agsaggal

Go and cry day for yourself = Take care about your future = Get ozune gun agla

Breadmoney = Money necessary for your survival = Chorekpulu

He(she) is my soul-liver = O menim canim-ciyerimdir

In what day you are ? = Ne gundesen?

In a dog day = It gununde

Eatingdrinking = Party = Yeyib-ichmek

To jumpfall = to treat quite aggressive = Attanib-dushmek

I am collected to throat from your hand = I am bothered of you = Senin elinnen bogaza yigilmisham

Collect yourself = Keep your behaviour better = Ozunu yigishdir

Do not loose yourself = Ozunu itirme

Come to yourself = Ozune gel

His(her) heart has gone = Ureyi getdi

To make rotten a bill = To come to the final decision = meseleni churutmek

To return emptyhand = Elibosh gayitmag

Do not speak overshort = when you give confidential information or when your behaviour is not proper ( for example you are drank) = Artig-eskik danishma

The air came to your head = To become crazy = Bashina hava gelib

Let God make povetry's face black = Allah kassibchiligin uzun gara elesin

He(She) opened game on my head = You fallen in bad situation because of him(her) = Bashima oyun achdi

Do not make white = Be realistic = Ag eleme

Week is eight I am nine = Hefte sekkiz, men dogguz

I will eat your soul, I will cut lamb for you, I will eat your eyes (when you ask somebody to do something) = Canivi yeyim, sene guzu kesim, gyozuvu yeyim

Always you have a place on my eyes = You show your hospitality = Hemishe gyozum uste yerin var

Nobody can say you have a brow above your eyes = Gozun uste gashin var deyen olmaz

Clean conversation = sincere conversation = Temiz sohbet

Job, force = How are you = Ishin, gujun

What you have what you don't have = How are you = Ne var, ne yox

My heart fell down = I am scared = Ureyim dushdu

Let us go to eat one slice of bread = Invitation to lunch = Gedek bir tike chorek yiyek

Ash on your man's head = blaming you in case you did something wrong = Kul bashina

Let stone fall on his head = a similar blaming = Bashina dash dushsun

Let your head drown = blaming = Bashin batsin

Fastgoing = Berkgeden

Mouse is playing in your pocket = Cibinde sichan gezir

Action from you harvest from me - Sennen hereket, mennen bereket

Let dog be carrier = When you loose money and try to relax = It .ran olsun

I was cutting bread and salt with him = you had friendship for a long time = Onunla duz chorek kesmishem

To beat dog on the streets = to be unemployed - Kuchede it doymek

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