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Что вы думаете о правах женщин? По вашему это феминизм?

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I think women are oppressed in Azerbaijan because: they are last to be hired and first to be fired; they play a secondary role in decision-making; there is no sharing of household work; they are stereotyped into secondary/subordinate roles; their intelligence and c.cities are undervalued; they are not acknowledged to be breadwinners; the law is biased against women; they receive lower wages than men; they are considered to be the weaker sex; they must be submissive; there are limited support services such as day-care centres; they are used to sell consumer products; their self-worth is undermined; their place is in the home/kitchen; men are the hunters and women are the hunted; their self-concept is based on men’s perceptions; their contribution to economic production are not recognized; parenting is primarily a woman’s concern; they are treated as second-class citizens; they are treated as sex objects; they are victims of sexual harassment; they all are potential victims of rape and other forms of violence; they suffer from a double burden of men; there is a double standard in society; they are economically marginalised; men are considered more c.ble than women; men have more privileges; societal institutions socialize women into subordinate roles; they have less access to opportunities; they have no control over their own bodies; they have limited control over their own development; they are brought up to serve men; their work is not valued; their primary role is reproduction; they are forced to give sexual favour to their bosses; and finally, they are discriminated against especially in leadership positions.

In Azerbaijan, common advice given to victims of domestic violence is:

Be a good wife, speak softly, take care of the house, serve your husband;

Don't say bad things when he comes from work;

It's your fate, you must be patient;

Cook food better, don't burn the food;

The man is very strong, don't refuse him, give him what he wants…

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Be a good wife, speak softly, take care of the house, serve your husband;

Don't say bad things when he comes from work;

It's your fate, you must be patient;

Cook food better, don't burn the food;

The man is very strong, don't refuse him, give him what he wants…

wise advice :gizildish:

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Be a good wife, speak softly, take care of the house, serve your husband;

Don't say bad things when he comes from work;

It's your fate, you must be patient;

Cook food better, don't burn the food;

The man is very strong, don't refuse him, give him what he wants…


That's what I call perfect LADY.

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Be a good wife, speak softly, take care of the house, serve your husband;

Don't say bad things when he comes from work;

It's your fate, you must be patient;

Cook food better, don't burn the food;

The man is very strong, don't refuse him, give him what he wants…


Why not...All this is good and plus mutual respect:)

Изменено пользователем an_innocent_girl
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Что вы думаете о правах женщин? По вашему это феминизм?

Just something to be mentioned:We don't live in Kedabek or somewhere like that.

Its obvious that women are first to be hired, I've heard lot's of men complaining about that.They don't play the secondary role in decision making, women just don't do it for show. There may be no sharing of household work, but at the same time there may be no sharing of earning money in the family. Women are stereotyped to play secondary roles, but just stereotyped.Their intelligence and c.cities were undercalued, and they became strong and goal-seeking. They are considered to be a weaker sex, but in practice they are stronger morally, and live longer than men. And they use this concept to achieve their aims. About home, kitchen..Nietcshe had been saying" Kitchen, Church, children". Don't forget that he died of syphilis, and the prostitute that infected him, stayed alive. Men are suffering from double standart no less than women, becouse sometimes they can't have sex with their girfriends, and have to do it with prostitutes. The law is not biased against women, just for example- policemen stop women drivers very seldom; when there is an investigation, very often investigator may not ask woman to come to the prosecutor's office, and may visit her at home. I may go on and on...

Here is an instruction for men:

1. Don't ever think that you know women

2. Don't ever think that you can define what they want

3. When you expect her to speak softly, smile, take care of the house and children, and you don't give her respect she deserves, and don't satisfy her-she won't be faitful to you

4. Be sure, women have better intuition, and are artful- always listen to them, and you won't feel regret

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1. Don't ever think that you know women

AstaghfuruLlah, never mind. Nobody knows what they want, even themselves

2. Don't ever think that you can define what they want

But we can define what we don't want.

3. When you expect her to speak softly, smile, take care of the house and children, and you don't give her respect she deserves, and don't satisfy her-she won't be faitful to you

We should be respectfull with each-other, that is the way. Everybody gets even the respect that he/she deserves.

4. Be sure, women have better intuition, and are artful- always listen to them, and you won't feel regret

There is a old caucasian speech: Listen to your woman (wife or what ever) but do that, what is in your own mind.:gizildish:

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1. Don't ever think that you know women

AstaghfuruLlah, never mind. Nobody knows what they want, even themselves

2. Don't ever think that you can define what they want

But we can define what we don't want.

3. When you expect her to speak softly, smile, take care of the house and children, and you don't give her respect she deserves, and don't satisfy her-she won't be faitful to you

We should be respectfull with each-other, that is the way. Everybody gets even the respect that he/she deserves.

4. Be sure, women have better intuition, and are artful- always listen to them, and you won't feel regret

There is a old caucasian speech: Listen to your woman (wife or what ever) but do that, what is in your own mind.:gizildish:


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........женщина имеет такие же права какие и мужчины так написана в КОРАНЕ, так что гардещим бу сохбати санан манан габаг хырдалаиблар :gizildish:

Изменено пользователем ХОЛОСТОЙ
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Вы думаете феминизм это свобода женьщин? Нет это защита прав женьщин на что либо......

Права формируются из множества факторов основным из которых является религия... ну и традиции тоже.....

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вопрос к мужчинам- кто считает что западная жена лучше местной? прошу учитывать только моральные принциппы......

Женить на неизвесто ком с неизвестно каким прошлым или гюл кими местная Наргиз там или Тюкязбан выращенная в парниковых условиях?

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на счет последних стол с тобой поооолностью согласна!!!

а то, что ты перед этим написала...мне НЕЕЕЕЕ понравилООООСЬ!!! ЧЕПУХА!!!! 98% из этого ложЬЬЬЬ!!!

Сложилось впечатление, что какой-то обыватель :(( фигню начал описывать!!!

Женщина - это свЯтое!!! она мать!!!

Поверь мне, то, ТААААК!!!*!!!

:(( :gizildish:

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на счет последних стол с тобой поооолностью согласна!!!

а то, что ты перед этим написала...мне НЕЕЕЕЕ понравилООООСЬ!!!  ЧЕПУХА!!!! 98% из этого ложЬЬЬЬ!!!

Сложилось впечатление, что какой-то обыватель  :((  фигню начал описывать!!!

Женщина - это свЯтое!!! она мать!!!

Поверь мне, то, ТААААК!!!*!!!

:((  :gizildish:

98% может быть ложью для меня и для вас. Но я знаю многих женщин для которых это не ложь.

Не все ли равно где она живет в Кедабеке, Габале, Баку или Барде. Для многих женщин это реалия 21 века. Многие женщины даже не подозревают о том, что у них есть какие-то права. Для многих это только обязанности: выйти замуж, родить детей, статьтенью мужчины.

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Human rights are often described as the rights that everyone has equally by virtue of their humanity. This assumes that all humanity shares a common experience and common needs. It therefore excludes women's needs for specific rights, or the specific application of human rights, to take account of their biological difference and the discrimination they may face in their society.

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Be a good wife, speak softly, take care of the house, serve your husband;

Don't say bad things when he comes from work;

It's your fate, you must be patient;

Cook food better, don't burn the food;

The man is very strong, don't refuse him, give him what he wants…

wise advice :gizildish:

absolutely agree with you:)

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Для многих это только обязанности: выйти замуж, родить детей, статьтенью мужчины.

:gizildish: Н*И*К*О*Г*Д*А.......


:( мне рассказывали, как мои двоюродные сестра (мои ровестницы) вот ну просто не дождутся ... когда родители одобрят очередное "эльчи"... :(

еще рассказывали, что девчонки в возрасте 13 лет...выходят замуж.. как будто нарядили куколку в свадебное платье :( ....

:huh: в чЁм проблема?

ммм.... у меня муражки по телу бегут.... када всмпоминаю стихотворение Гусейн Джавида... ну там строчки ....(извините, если что-то не точно)...

Кем я была? Забитой женщиной Востока!

Кто я была? Не спрашивай об этом! Женщина Востока.

Я - жертва равнодушь бога,

пылая, преврощусь во прах я - Женщина Востока.

мое любимое:

Нет, не пролзучее я существо,

я саван тьмы не одеваю,

возвышен нынче мозг мечтою - женщины Востока.

Свободной женщиной Востока.

Я гордо воспарила в дали,

лечу сквозь необъятное пространство

я розовой звездою - женщины Востока...


сильные слова...

прежде всего, нужно уважать себя!!!

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мое любимое:

Нет, не пролзучее я существо,

я саван тьмы не одеваю,

возвышен нынче мозг мечтою - женщины Востока.

Свободной женщиной Востока.

Я гордо воспарила в дали,

лечу сквозь необъятное пространство

я розовой звездою - женщины Востока...

Зарема -----> умничка! :gizildish::luv:

Изменено пользователем Апрель

Pro et Contra

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Выслушать... попытаться понять... понять... оценить... полюбить... уважать... <---------- первооснова взаимоотношений. Не думать... не спорить... не выяснять, кто умнее, кто сильнее, красивее и нежнее... <------- путь к перевернутому миру.

Я против женщин, воюющих против мужчин и против мужчин, которые толкают их на это...

И у тех и у других есть альтернативы получше...

Pro et Contra

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........женщина имеет такие же права какие и мужчины так написана в КОРАНЕ, так что гардещим бу сохбати санан манан габаг хырдалаиблар :gizildish:

Не верю глазам, Анар? Кажется мои уроки дают результаты.Так держать. А ведь было время.......девушке чуть ножки не поламал, за то что бедняжка в магазин без разрешения.

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Что вы думаете о правах женщин? По вашему это феминизм?

Простите, что текст на английском:

I think women are oppressed in Azerbaijan because: they are last to be hired and first to be fired; they play a secondary role in decision-making; there is no sharing of household work; they are stereotyped into secondary/subordinate roles; their intelligence and c.cities are undervalued; they are not acknowledged to be breadwinners; the law is biased against women; they receive lower wages than men; they are considered to be the weaker sex; they must be submissive; there are limited support services such as day-care centres; they are used to sell consumer products; their self-worth is undermined; their place is in the home/kitchen; men are the hunters and women are the hunted; their self-concept is based on men’s perceptions; their contribution to economic production are not recognized; parenting is primarily a woman’s concern; they are treated as second-class citizens; they are treated as sex objects; they are victims of sexual harassment; they all are potential victims of rape and other forms of violence; they suffer from a double burden of men; there is a double standard in society; they are economically marginalised; men are considered more c.ble than women; men have more privileges; societal institutions socialize women into subordinate roles; they have less access to opportunities; they have no control over their own bodies; they have limited control over their own development; they are brought up to serve men; their work is not valued; their primary role is reproduction; they are forced to give sexual favour to their bosses; and finally, they are discriminated against especially in leadership positions.

In Azerbaijan, common advice given to victims of domestic violence is:

Be a good wife, speak softly, take care of the house, serve your husband;

Don't say bad things when he comes from work;

It's your fate, you must be patient;

Cook food better, don't burn the food;

The man is very strong, don't refuse him, give him what he wants…

Whence this delirium?

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Что вы думаете о правах женщин? По вашему это феминизм?

Простите, что текст на английском:

I think women are oppressed in Azerbaijan because: they are last to be hired and first to be fired; they play a secondary role in decision-making; there is no sharing of household work; they are stereotyped into secondary/subordinate roles; their intelligence and c.cities are undervalued; they are not acknowledged to be breadwinners; the law is biased against women; they receive lower wages than men; they are considered to be the weaker sex; they must be submissive; there are limited support services such as day-care centres; they are used to sell consumer products; their self-worth is undermined; their place is in the home/kitchen; men are the hunters and women are the hunted; their self-concept is based on men’s perceptions; their contribution to economic production are not recognized; parenting is primarily a woman’s concern; they are treated as second-class citizens; they are treated as sex objects; they are victims of sexual harassment; they all are potential victims of rape and other forms of violence; they suffer from a double burden of men; there is a double standard in society; they are economically marginalised; men are considered more c.ble than women; men have more privileges; societal institutions socialize women into subordinate roles; they have less access to opportunities; they have no control over their own bodies; they have limited control over their own development; they are brought up to serve men; their work is not valued; their primary role is reproduction; they are forced to give sexual favour to their bosses; and finally, they are discriminated against especially in leadership positions.

In Azerbaijan, common advice given to victims of domestic violence is:

Be a good wife, speak softly, take care of the house, serve your husband;

Don't say bad things when he comes from work;

It's your fate, you must be patient;

Cook food better, don't burn the food;

The man is very strong, don't refuse him, give him what he wants…

Whence this delirium?

que que que?

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