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Таких Справедливых Выборов В Ар Еще Не Было!


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Таких Справедливых Выборов В Ар Еще Не Было!

И не будет! Такой справедливого подавления в АР тоже не было! И Такого справедливого семейства Президентов тоже в Азербайджане не было!

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Самые справедливые выборы в АР!!! Но похоже, не все так считают:

U.S. Says Azerbaijani Elections Flawed

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - The United States is deeply disappointed and concerned that last week's presidential election in Azerbaijan failed to meet international standards, the State Department said Tues-

Spokesman Adam Ereli positive aspects of the election process were outweighed by negative developments, including the lack of equal treatment for opposition candidates, violence by police during the pre-election period and partisan election commissions.

"On election day," Ereli said, "observers witnessed serious irregularities, including inaccurate voter lists leading to the denial of eligible voters the right to vote, voter intimidation and ballot-box stuffing.

"Observers also reported serious irregularities in vote counting and tabulation. These problems cast doubt on the credibility of the election's results."

Returns showed that Ilham Aliev, son of ailing leader Geidar Aliev, won the election in a landslide.

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И обьяснение первичной реакции США:

US calls for inquiry into Azerbaijan election

By Guy Dinmore in Washington

Published: October 22 2003 5:00 | Last Updated: October 22 2003 5:00

Washington last night responded to widespread denunciation of fraud and intimidation during Azerbaijan's presidential election by calling for an independent investigation, having earlier congratulated Ilham Aliyev, the declared winner and son of the former president.

What analysts saw as confusion in Washington over how to handle a strategic ally followed condemnation by independent US observers yesterday of the electoral process and arrests of more than 100 political opponents, journalists and local observers.

Azerbaijan is crucial to a US-backed oil pipeline being built by BP from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean. Mr Aliyev's father, Heydar, the long-time ruler of Azerbaijan who had cultivated close ties with the US, is seriously ill in a US hospital.

In February, President George W. Bush thanked him for his support in the "war on terror".

Just two days after the elections - with the younger Mr Aliyev declared the winner but before all votes had been counted - Richard Armitage, deputy secretary of state, telephoned to note his "strong performance".

Mr Armitage reiterated "our desire to work closely with him". He also spoke of the need to avoid further violence and ensure final results were fairly counted.

But last night the State Department issued a sharply critical second statement.

"The United States will work with president-elect Ilham Aliyev and his government but we believe Azerbaijan's leadership missed an important opportunity to advance democratisation by holding a credible election," it said, calling for an independent investigation.

Analysts noted Mr Armitage's former position as co-chairman of the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. A US official said the latest statement represented an "evolution" in the administration's position and that not all the facts were known last Friday when Mr Armitage made his call.

Nelson Ledsky, of the National Democratic Institute, told a news conference that many members of local civic organisations they had trained in Azerbaijan "are now being hunted down and are in hiding".

"Minimal conditions for democratic elections were not met," NDI said

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