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Program Officer, Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation - South Caucasus portfolio


Date Posted: August 30, 2007

The German Marshall Fund of the United States' Bucharest office seeks a program officer to manage its grant portfolio related to the South Caucasus, specifically Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The Bucharest office acts as a headquarters for the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST), which will fund programs that strengthen cross-border ties, civic participation, democratic governance, and the rule of law in the wider Black Sea region.

The broad goals of the Black Sea Trust include building trust among citizens in their public institutions and to strengthen this critical set of institutions; affirming the value of citizen participation in the democratic process; and fostering regional, cross-border ties in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. The Black Sea Trust will have three primary grantmaking programs: Civic Participation, Cross-Border Initiatives, and East-East Cooperation.

For more information, plz click here - http://www.gmfus.org/about/job_detail.cfm?id=45


American Express Travel Office in Azerbaijan is seeking a candidate for

a full time position of a receptionist / telephone operator.

Basic requirements: fluency in Azeri, English and Russian, good communication skills, ability to work in a challenging environment

Starting salary: AZN300--

The company offers an opportunity for further career growth in a travel industry.

Interested candidates should send their CVs to the following email address:satamova@sialliance.com


Chevening Scholarship Programme

For more information - http://www.britishcouncil.org/az/azerbaija...k-chevening.htm


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Altes Group


I. Требования к кандидату:

• Высшее профессиональное (техническое) образование или среднее профессиональное (техническое) образование

• Стаж работы в должности инженера по охране труда и технике безопасности не менее 2-х лет

• Знание законодательных и нормативных правовых актов, методических материалов по вопросам охраны труда.

• Знание организации работы по охране труда

• Знание системы стандартов безопасности труда

• Знание правил внутреннего трудового распорядка

• Знание передового отечественного и зарубежного опыта по охране труда, и др.

• Отличное знание азербайджанского и русского языков

• Умение работать в команде

II. Должностные обязанности

Инженер по охране труда:

1. Осуществляет контроль над соблюдением на предприятии и в его подразделениях законодательных и иных нормативных правовых актов по охране труда, за предоставлением работникам установленных льгот и компенсаций по условиям труда.

2. Изучает условия труда на рабочих местах, подготавливает и вносит предложения о разработке и внедрении более совершенных конструкций оградительной техники, предохранительных и блокировочных устройств, других средств защиты от воздействия опасных и вредных производственных факторов.

3. Участвует:

3.1. В проведении проверок, обследований технического состояния зданий, сооружений, оборудования, машин и механизмов, эффективности работы вентиляционных систем, состояния санитарно-технических устройств, санитарно-бытовых помещений, средств коллективной и индивидуальной защиты работников.

3.2. В определении их соответствия требованиям нормативных правовых актов по охране труда и при выявлении нарушений, которые создают угрозу жизни и здоровью работников или могут привести к аварии, принимает меры по прекращению эксплуатации машин, оборудования и производства работ в цехах, на участках, на рабочих местах.

4. Совместно с другими подразделениями предприятия проводит работу по аттестации и сертификации рабочих мест и производственного оборудования на соответствие требованиям охраны труда.

5. Участвует в разработке мероприятий по предупреждению профессиональных заболеваний и несчастных случаев на производстве, по улучшению условий труда и доведению их до требований нормативных правовых актов по охране труда, а также оказывает организационную помощь по выполнению разработанных мероприятий.

6. Контролирует своевременность проведения соответствующими службами необходимых испытаний и технических освидетельствований состояния оборудования, машин и механизмов, соблюдение графиков замеров параметров опасных и вредных производственных факторов, выполнение предписаний органов государственного надзора и контроля за соблюдением действующих норм, правил и инструкций по охране труда, стандартов безопасности труда в процессе производства, а также в проектах новых и реконструируемых производственных объектов, участвует в приемке их в эксплуатацию.

7. Участвует в рассмотрении вопросов о возмещении работодателем вреда, причиненного работникам увечьем, профессиональным заболеванием или другим повреждением здоровья, связанными с выполнением ими трудовых обязанностей.

8. Оказывает подразделениям предприятия методическую помощь:

8.1. В составлении списков профессий и должностей, в соответствии с которыми работники должны проходить обязательные медицинские осмотры, а также списков профессий и должностей, в соответствии с которыми на основании действующего законодательства работникам предоставляются компенсации и льготы за тяжелые, вредные или опасные условия труда.

8.2. При разработке и пересмотре инструкций по охране труда, стандартов предприятия и системы стандартов безопасности труда.

8.3. По организации инструктажа, обучения и проверки знаний работников по охране труда.

9. Проводит вводные инструктажи по охране труда со всеми вновь принимаемыми на работу, командированными, учащимися и студентами, прибывшими на производственное обучения или практику.

10. Участвует в составлении раздела "Охрана труда" коллективного договора, в расследовании случае производственного травматизма, профессиональных и производственно-обусловленных заболеваний, изучает их причины, анализирует эффективность проводимых мероприятий по их предупреждению.

11. Составляет отчетность по охране труда по установленным формам и в соответствующие сроки.

12. Выполняет отдельные служебные поручения своего непосредственного руководителя.

Просим высылать Ваше резюме по адресу hr@altesgroup.com.

Последний срок подачи заявления - 5 декабря 2007 года.

Резюме кандидатов, не соответствующих вышеупомянутым требованиям, рассматриваться не будут.

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Nurgun Group

Финансовый менеджер

Зарплата: Высокая

Требования к работе:

1. Высшее экономическое образование

2. Опыт работы - минимум 1 год в области финансов

3. Твердые навыки работы с программой 1С, Excel

4. Свободное владение азербайджанским и руским языками

5. Возрастная категория от 27 до 40 лет

Краткое описание:

1. Анализ финансовых результатов предприятия и финансовое планирование

2. Знание международных бухгалтерских стандартов

3. Знание налогового законадательства

4. Подготовление месячных, квартальных и годовых отчетов


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  • 1 month later...

Vacancy position with Health Sector Reform Project

There is a vacancy at the Project Implementation Unit of the Health Sector Reform Project.

Position : Office-manager.

Perfect knowledge of Azerbaijan and English, good Russian, good typing speed is needed. Working hours are standard from 9 to 6.

Salary is 500 dollars. Urgent opening with soon close.

All those interested should call (99412) 431 61 21 and send CV to f.mehdiyev@hsrp.az . An interview will be scheduled for the same -


The Services Group (TSG) is seeking 2 - 3 Azerbaijani Portfolio Managers for an upcoming USAID project based in Baku, who have experience increasing business process efficiency and cost-effectiveness along the value chain (from input level to processors to retailers/exporters). They are looking for MBA grads with sector experience, particularly if they have experience in more than one sector. Relevant sub-sectors include:


Food Processing





Please contact Leila Mamedova at leila_mamedova@yahoo.com if you know anyone who might fit this description.


Council for European Studies at Columbia University / 2008 Fellowshi program

We are pleased to invite your graduate students to participate in the 2008 Fellowship Program of the Council for European Studies ( CES). Established in 1971, the CES Fellowship Program has played a crucial role in the early stages of many scholars' careers. The Program serves as the leading source for pre-dissertation fellowships that fund students' first major research projects in Europe . Since the program's founding, the Council has awarded more than 500 fellowships, totaling more than $2.0 million.

The application form, and full details, may be found on our website: http://www.ces.columbia.edu/awards/awards.html

All materials must be received via email, to ces@columbia. educes@columbia. edu, by February 1st, 2008. (No phone calls or paper applications, please).

We look forward to receiving applications from your students.


Columbia University

420 West 118th Street, MC 3310

New York, NY 10027


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В Алтес груп взяли уже инженера по Тех.Безу? Не знаешь какая там зарплата? Более 1500 манат или менее? Другие льготы, типа долшострочный кредит на жильё есть?

You Will Never Walk Alone...

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West, я не в курсе дела, можно позвонить в офис и узнать касательно последних. А зарплата в Алтесе бывает хорошая, как я знаю.

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Vacancy position with Health Sector Reform Project

There is a vacancy at the Project Implementation Unit of the Health Sector Reform Project.

Position : Office-manager.

Perfect knowledge of Azerbaijan and English, good Russian, good typing speed is needed. Working hours are standard from 9 to 6.

Salary is 500 dollars. Urgent opening with soon close.

All those interested should call (99412) 431 61 21 and send CV to f.mehdiyev@hsrp.az . An interview will be scheduled for the same -


I've sent you my CV.

guys dont like words DONT and STOP, untill they come together :-)

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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Strategic Management . Georgia Tech College of Management, USA

Scholarship / Financial aid: Full scholarship and living expenses covered

Date: the following fall semester

Deadline: January 15, 2008

Open to: Students from all countries

Announcement follows:

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Strategic Management at Georgia Tech

The Strategic Management area at Georgia Tech's College of Management (COM)seeks Qualified Applicants for their Ph.D. program

Have you ever thought about getting a Ph.D.? A doctoral degree qualifies you to pursue an academic career as a researcher and educator. An academic career provides not only tremendous intellectual freedom, but makes it possible to work with bright people throughout your life.

You really can make a difference through the scholarly research you create, and the lives you shape through your teaching. The life style is great, and the pay is good! Frequently, Ph.D. graduates' starting salary range from $100K to $150K, depending on placement, which is largely determined by performance in the doctoral program. Moreover, the job market for Strategy Ph.D.s has been strong, and in recent years more positions have been available than candidates pursuing jobs. Thus, it is not surprising that the position of a university professor is frequently ranked as one of the most desirable jobs in the world.

Why in Strategic Management? As the integrative discipline in business management, strategy is both interesting and fun. The unifying element of strategy research is driven by answering the question of why do some firms outperform their competitors? To answer this critical question, researchers draw on different disciplines, such as economics and sociology, to study the critical roles that managers, technologies, and business relationships play in determining why some companies do better than others.

Why at Georgia Tech? GT's Ph.D. program is strongly research oriented, and emphasizes the early involvement of our students in research projects with world-wide leading faculty. The Ph.D. program places significant weight on learning outside the classroom. Given the small size of the program, the tutorial-mentor model is the primary educational approach employed. Thus, doctoral students experience significant attention and support by a diverse set of world-class faculty.

At Georgia Tech, the study of strategic management is interdisciplinary and integrative; providing focus in the areas of technology and innovation management, entrepreneurship, and international management. The Strategic Management area represents a strong community of active researchers pursuing a wide variety of interests. See http://mgt.gatech.edu/for more information.


Fellowship - Comparative Local Development, Trento, Italy

Scholarship / Financial aid : A number of fellowships is offered

Date: three months

Deadline: February, 16th, 2008

Open to: scholars in the following areas: Law, Economics, Sociology and the Political Sciences

Announcement follows:

The main objective is to enhance the exchange of teachers and researchers dealing with issues in Comparative Local Development, also from an interdisciplinary point of view, in order to share, acquire and contribute to create knowledge and to pursue research in Local Development.

The Call is open to scholars submitting research projects for the study of Local Development in the main disciplinary areas of Law, Economics, Sociology and the Political Sciences. The normal length of each fellowship is three months. Scholars will be able to spend their period at one or more of the Partner Universities. During this period, they will be requested to conduct research in Local Development, to participate in the activities of the Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development, including teaching, giving seminars and supervising students.

Scholars can make their staying period between September 2008 and March 2010.

1. Schedule for application The deadline for submitting the application documentation is February, 16th, 2008.In case of documentation sent by mail, only applications which arrive by the deadline will be considered.

2. Fellowships: A number of fellowships is offered to scholars who meet the eligibility requirements. The amount of the grants offered is Euro 13, 000.Each fellowship consists of a fixed amount of Euro 1,000 for covering the travel expenses, and a scholarship of Euro 4,000 per month.

3. Eligibility Requirements and documentation required In order to qualify for the fellowship the applicant must be a non-EU country citizenship. Candidates meeting this requirement are requested to submit the following documentation: Letter of Application, including a motivation for applying and the preference for one or more of the partner universities CV List of publications Research Project

4. How to Apply: Interested scholars should send the requested documentation electronically to the following address: master-code@ economia.unitn.it by mail to the contact address


Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development Dipartimento di Economia Universit degli Studi di Trento Via Inama 5AD 38100

Trento Italy

Tel +39-0461-883446 / 3447

Fax +39-0461-882803

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Scholarships for M.S. in International Health Policy and Management, Brandeis University, USA

The Master of Science in International Health Policy and Management (IHPM) Program is pleased to announce a competition in which a full tuition and fees scholarship will be awarded to an early- to mid-level career development professional with a demonstrated commitment to effective health policy and management.

The IHPM Scholar will receive full tuition and fee remission for the one-year degree program. The scholarship does NOT cover airfare or any living expenses. Although nominations are encouraged from international and governmental development institutions and NGOs, self-nominations are accepted. Women, and candidates with experience in health policy, service delivery or education-related work with poor and vulnerable populations, are especially encouraged to apply.

The application deadline is March 31, 2008.

To view full announcement, go to http://heller.brandeis.edu/sid/downloads/2008ihpm.pdf


USA : Program on Negotiation Graduate Research Fellowships, Harvard University

Program on Negotiation Graduate Research Fellowships

Applications are due by February 15, 2008.

The Program on Negotiation Graduate Research Fellowships are designed to encourage young scholars from the social sciences and professional disciplines to pursue theoretical, empirical, and/or applied research in negotiation and .e resolution. Consistent with the PON goal of fostering the development of the next generation of scholars, this program provides support for one year of dissertation research and writing in negotiation and related topics in alternative .e resolution, as well as giving fellows an opportunity to immerse themselves in the diverse array of resources available at PON.

The Program on Negotiation Graduate Research Fellowships allow doctoral students who are writing their dissertations to be part of the PON community for one year.

Successful candidates will receive:

a.. A stipend of $20,000

b.. Desk space and related working facilities at PON, and

c.. Library and other privileges at Harvard.

PON encourages students from diverse theoretical and research traditions to apply.

PON Graduate Fellows are expected to participate fully in an interdisciplinary research seminar, faculty seminars, and other special events. They have the opportunity to be involved in an array of other opportunities at the PON consortium schools - Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, and Simmons College - and other institutions in the Boston area.

For application see the website: http://www.pon.harvard.edu/research/fellowship.Php

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vacancy position at British Council

The British Council is currently seeking for experienced and motivated professional for Project Coordinator consultancy work.

Position: Project Coordinator

The successful candidates will have:

• Strong organizational skills

• Background and work experience as a teacher

• Availability to work the required amount of time per month

• Excellent communication and inter-personal skills

• Awareness or previous experience in interactive teaching methodologies (desirable)

• Advanced level of spoken and written English and Azerbaijani

• Computer proficiency (MS Office 2003, Internet)

• Experience in project management (desirable)

Download information pack from www.britishcouncil.az

Closing date for applications: 18.00 on Sunday, 27 January 2008 . Applications received after this date will not be accepted.


9th Weimar Summer Courses, Weimar, Germany

Scholarship / Financial aid: limited number of full scholarships are available

Date: 22nd June - 5th July 2008

Deadline: 30th April 2008

Open to: students and all interested

Announcement follows:

The Weimar Summer Courses – two creative weeks in the centre of European culture! Weimar and Jena are not only known for the "Classics" Goethe and Schiller, but also for the early romanticists Tieck and Novalis, the philosophers Schelling, Hegel und Nietzsche and musicians Johann Sebastian Bach and Franz Liszt. The founding of the Bauhaus in 1919 in Weimar heralded a worldwide revolution in architecture and design. The failure of the "Weimar Republic" and later the concentration camp Buchenwald finally also refer to the darker periods in German history.

For this reason, the Weimar Summer Courses intend to stimulate active exposure to cultural heritage: What can poets, philosophers and artists say today? Which directions and thought-provoking impulses can be derived for contemporary challenges? The Summer Courses also offer an intimate insight into the world of well-known heritage sites, from the National Goethe Museum and Nietzsche-Archives to the Bauhaus Workshops. They also give you the opportunity to experience the vibrant cultural life in Weimar.

What is waiting for you in Weimar?

-Two weeks of intensive summer course in small work groups, with lectures, seminars and individual supervising by recognised experts (working hours: 9-12 a.m. and 2-5 p.m .)

-Visits to important cultural and classical sites in Weimar and the surrounding area (see free time and leisure)

-Free access to museums, art collections, libraries and archives in Weimar (free entrance with participant card)

-Guided walking-tours through parks in Weimar and the surrounding area (Ilm Park, Tiefurt, Ettersburg, Belvedere, Oßmannstedt)

-One day excursion (optionally to Erfurt, Jena or Naumburg and Dornburg Castles)

-Two weeks full board and lodging in a modern double room in the centre of Weimar (costs included in the course fees; additional charge for single room)

-On demand health and accident insurance

The total fee is 750 € (250 € course fee, 280 € for accommodation, 220 € for board). For students and participants who do not earn any income of their own, the course fee may be waived if appropriate proof is provided (the participant's contribution is then 500 Euro). In the case of particular financial hardship a limited number of full scholarships are available providing full support for the total fee (the participant need not contribute). The closing date for applications is 30th April 2008

For more: http://www.weimar-summer-courses.de/

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